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This pre-recorded 6-hour worskshop  provides participants with all the tools to help start and build groups that thrive in their private practice. We discuss the foundational components of developing groups, including  starting dates, fees, advertising, group norms, consultations, telehealth vs in person, conjoint vs combined, criteria for inclusion and exclusion, and sociocultural & diversity considerations. Participants are provided all the information needed to develop a successful group therapy practice.

Please Note: No CEs are offered for our on-demand workshops at this time.


About the Presenters:

Dr. Sophia Aguirre, Ph.D., CGP, AGPA-F:  is a Latinx/Chicana Licensed Psychologist and Certified Group Psychotherapist. She is the founder and director of the Aguirre Center for Inclusive Psychotherapy, private group practice in Atlanta specialized on providing culturally-responsive psychological services with a special focus on serving Latinx, BIPOC, & LGBTQ+ communities.  Her practice is sex-positive, trauma-informed, weight-inclusive, Feminist-oriented, and affirming of folks from LGBTQ+, Kink, and Polyamory/CNM communities. Sophia has specialized training in group therapy and over 15 years of experience running interpersonal process groups, both psychotherapy groups and training groups for mental health professionals. Sophia currently runs 4 groups in her practice: 2 process groups for BIPOC therapists and 2 interpersonal process therapy groups for young adults. Sophia  is deeply passionate about advocating for social and racial justice issues within the field of psychology and group therapy at the local, regional and national levels. She currently serves as the Treasurer for the Atlanta Group Psychotherapy Society, Secretary of the Board of American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA),  and  Co-Chair (and founder) of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force for the AGPA. She was awarded Fellowship to the American Group Psychotherapy Association in 2020.   Sophia also serves as the Co-Chair of Sanando MHP (a collective for Latinx mental health professionals in Georgia).  

Jill Lewis, LCSW, CEDS, CGP - is a Fat Positive, body inclusive focused psychotherapist who believes that everyone can have a healthy relationship with their body. She prioritizes an anti-diet approach and practices weight inclusivity in every individual and group therapy session, challenging the status quo that many women and men grow up believing. Jill completed her group training in New York City through the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society and continued her group work to earn her CGP (certification in group psychotherapy). Jill is passionate about groups and the interpersonal process. She currently serves as the President of Atlanta Group Psychotherapy Society, and Co-Chair for the Private Practice SIG of the American Group Psychotherapy Society. Jill started her private practice in 2009 and her group practice in 2015, where she oversees other clinicians passionate about mental health and physical wellbeing.  She also regularly supervises other clinicians, including those earning their CEDS (certified eating disorder specialist) in either an individual or group format. Jill currently runs two groups, an eating disorder recovery interpersonal process group and a 40+ group.



Workshop - The Nuts & Bolts of Creating Thriving Groups (6 Hrs)

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